If you’re not sure where to begin Book a FREE Mini Session today.

The Divine Knows

Your Divine self already knows the way to traverse your biggest blocks and heal your deepest distortions. What I do as a Quantum Architect is help the human part of you see it own Divine Truth and align with it once more. This process re-codes you for a higher dimension of energy. I help your cells remember you are born in perfection through the logical mind.

Human Design Sessions


Unlock what blocks you - With Human Design you will know that blocks are in fact locks - potential that has been locked. Human Design is like the master key for every block you will ever have.


Clear your distortions - You are a being unlimited potential - a sovereign creator, when life becomes challenging you are simply seeing a distorted reality - I help you clear it, so more of your light shines through.


Re-connect your power - The root of every problem you will ever face is your disconnection from source energy. Human Design helps you know yourself at a deep level. We will re-connect you to your SOURCE energy.

Soul Purpose

$77 / Session

A portion of your code details your soul’s purpose. We have the free will to create any experience we desire. With the proper tools in your toolbox, you can make powerful choices that align with your soul purpose.


$222 / Session

Your unique design provides considerable detail about how to align more fully with your divinity, exposing your true potential and unique place in the scheme of things. The more you learn about yourself, the more freedom you’ll have.


$333 / Session

You have the free will to create any experience you desire. This powerful blueprint has all the answers, guidance, and unlimited energy you desire. *Must have a clear understanding of the Human Design Fundamentals first

Anne-Marie Hosler

The Human Design experience with Angie is powerful, inspiring and informative. The information rang true to every aspect of my being and the information and insights were presented with wisdom and grace. I felt loved by Angie and accepted for the facets that make me, me. It’s a beautiful experience and one I would recommend every seeker to pursue to gain a better understanding of themselves, their divinity and what makes them unique. Thank you Angie! Blessings and love!

Leslie McCuiston

Angie helped review my Human Design chart. So much of what we discussed rings true. Learning the “how” to go with the “why” makes the process easy to understand. Helping to look both forward and back to see when things worked as they were supposed to they fit with the “why”. When they didn’t work so well, I was operating outside of that design. Angie is always fun to work with and patient to answer all questions you may have. Thank you dear!

DeAnna Marie DeFabio

I have had the amazing opportunity to work with Angie Grimes the #QuantumArchitect. She is so easy to work with. Her Coaching Style is kind, on target and comes from much wisdom and experience.

I recently had Human Design Session with her and it was amazing the information I learned about myself is so on target and Angie helped pave a direction for me to understand my design; The why and how to apply all of what we worked on to my Business and Personal life.

Thank you, Angie!!! Anyone that works with wanting to know why you are the way you are and how to apply the genius you to your life Angie Grimes is your go-to person.

***She leaves you with the Ah hah and the understanding of who you are (your human design).

Give you knowledge about how you are designed to operate in the world and highlight where you are susceptible to influence and conditioning.

It’s said there are no coincidences in life…and if you’re here reading this, it’s because deep down, you know you’re meant to experience more fulfillment!

Pinpoint your unique path to profit and impact to accelerate your business growth, all while it not feeling like work and experiencing more fun!

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